Here you find the latest Open Science News, Blogposts and Podcasts!

The history of the Open Science Community Utrecht
This is the first part of the 2023 OSCU Report ‘The past, present and future of the Open Science Community Utrecht’. History of OSCU 2017: What started it all The story of OSCU starts with a cup of coffee. In 2017, Loek Brinkman and Anita Eerland were introduced to each other by a colleague and…
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HUM Symposium: Are You Engaged? Wrap-up!
On the 16th of March, the UU Faculty of Humanities held a symposium on public engagement. We addressed questions about the benefits of public engagement, stakeholder relationship management and partner involvement, and also tried to define what public engagement exactly means. Besides interviews with great speakers and guests, there was plenty of room for input…
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HUM Symposium: Are You Engaged? – Impact of relations and public engagement
On the 16th of March, the UU Faculty of Humanities held a symposium on public engagement. We addressed questions about the benefits of public engagement, stakeholder relationship management and partner involvement, and also tried to define what public engagement exactly means. Besides interviews with great speakers and guests, there was plenty of room for input…
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HUM Symposium: Are You Engaged? – Public Engagement
On the 16th of March, the UU Faculty of Humanities held a symposium on public engagement. We addressed questions about the benefits of public engagement, stakeholder relationship management and partner involvement, and also tried to define what public engagement exactly means. Besides interviews with great speakers and guests, there was plenty of room for input…
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HUM Symposium: Are You Engaged? – Audience Engagement
On the 16th of March, the UU Faculty of Humanities held a symposium on public engagement. We addressed questions about the benefits of public engagement, stakeholder relationship management and partner involvement, and also tried to define what public engagement exactly means. Besides interviews with great speakers and guests, there was plenty of room for input…
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Short course Stakeholder Engagement for Academic Staff
Are you an early-career or mid-career academic with an interest in increasing the impact of your research or teaching by cooperating with partners outside the university? Then the three-part short course ‘Stakeholder Engagement for academics’ is for you! Partnering with non-profit organizations, policy makers, or companies can add a lot of value to your work….
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HUM Symposium: Are You Engaged? First video online now!
On the 16th of March, the UU Faculty of Humanities held a symposium on public engagement. We addressed questions about the benefits of public engagement, stakeholder relationship management and partner involvement, and also tried to define what public engagement exactly means. Besides interviews with great speakers and guests, there was plenty of room for input…
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NPOS Rolling Agenda needs your input
The National Programma Open Science (NPOS) will draft the NPOS Multi-annual plan to provide guidance to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to further support open science. The plan will be based on the rolling agenda (see below). Now, NPOS seeks for feedback on the first version of the agenda, which is based on…
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Open Science monitor – share your opinion!
Why an Open Science Monitor? Within Utrecht University (UU), many places are working hard on the transition to Open Science. The UU Open Science Program therefore wants to know how employees experience this transition and whether their attitude towards Open Science is changing. Are they open to it? Do they consider it important for their…
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Wanted: interviews with epidemiology researchers
Enhancing open research data sharing and reuse practices in epidemiology Open research data sharing practices differ vastly by field. Epidemiology is one of the fields which may have lower levels of open research data practices compared to others. Research shows that despite the massive amount of Covid-19 related research published in the first five months of the pandemic, only 13.6% of…
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