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R2OS, Episode 2, Collaboration Is Key

For this episode we had conversations with Kirstie Whitaker, Daniel Lakens, Anita Eerland and Loek Brinkman. We asked our guests, what is the most important role the university can play to foster open science.
Kirstie Whitaker is a research fellow at the Alan Turing Institute (London) and senior research associate at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge. She is also a Mozilla Open Science Fellow. The Mozilla Science Lab is a community of researchers, developers, and librarians making research open and accessible. Kirstie was a member of the first Mozilla Open Leadership cohort and is currently a mentor for the fifth round of this cohort.
If you want to know more about her activities concerning underrepresented minority members in Science Technology Engineering Maths and Medicine visit the STEMM Role Models website. The article on adolescent brain development, titled: ‘Adolescence is associated with genomically patterned consolidation of the hubs of the human brain connectome’, can be found on the PNAS website. About the project on organizing and describing neuroimaging and behavioral data, check the website on Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS).
Daniel Lakens is an assistant professor in psychology at Eindhoven University of Technology. He has an interesting blog on statistics, methods and open science and has created an online course called Improving your statistical inferences.
On the website of TU/e you can read more about scientific integrity and the code of conduct that Daniel mentions in the interview. Another interesting read is the article written by Richard Morey and, amongst others, Daniël Lakens: The Peer Reviewers’ Openness Initiative. There’s also an interesting TEDx talk by Daniël, on prestige in academia.
Anita Eerland is an assistant professor at the department of Language and Communication and Loek Brinkman is a post-doc in social psychology at the Social, Health and Organisational Psychology department, both at Utrecht University. They are the founders of the Open Science Community Utrecht. Want to join? You’re already on the right website, just head over to this page!
In the podcast series The Road to Open Science, hosts Sanli and Lieven follow the path to open science through the perspective of researchers from different disciplines. In each episode they talk to people within the academic community about their research, initiative or experiences in relation to open science. Haven’t heard episode one, A social dilemma, yet? Listen to it here!
The Road to Open Science podcast is an initiative of the Utrecht Young Academy, supported by the Utrecht University Library.