
Careers and Science Symposium: Once a scientist, always a scientist?

Date and Time
Date(s) - 23/06/2022
09:30 - 17:30
UMC Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100, Utrecht

An Open Science Symposium at the Faculty of Medicine

Research Career support and opportunities within and outside UMC Utrecht

Location: UMC Utrecht (Auditorium [Q-building])

On this day we are going to discuss career support and opportunities within the UMC Utrecht, but also outside of academia. What support can you expect at the UMC Utrecht? How are your skills, competences and results appreciated in the era of Open Science and new Recognition & Rewards? And how about life outside academia? If these questions sound familiar, then come join the discussion and register now!

Preliminary program:

09:30 – 10:00

Registration and walk-in

10:00 – 12:00

Keynote Lecture: dr. Rosanne Y. Hertzberger, microbiologist, columnist, and writer

Career and Research support within UMC Utrecht

12:00 – 13:00

Lunch (free)

13:00 – 16:00

– Career opportunities outside academia (roundtable with former colleagues who switched to industry, began a start-up, or joined a consultancy, including the perspective of a job recruiter)
– The meaning of Open Science and Recognition & Rewards in UMC Utrecht (with dean Prof. Arno Hoes)

16:00 – 17:30



Target audience: The event is geared especially for PhDs and PostDocs looking for career support and opportunities. However, everyone from assistant professors to full professor, support staff and students is also welcome.

Note: Given the limited room capacity (about 100 people), we will confirm your registration in due time.


This event is jointly organized by:

OncoCareer Board

Young Science in Transition

Open Science Community Utrecht

UMCU Young Academy

Research Office UMC Utrecht


Questions: OncoCareer [at] umcutrecht [dot] nl


Registration: Registrations are closed. 


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