Lunch Meeting ‘Publishing in Open Science: Where to Start’

Date and Time
Date(s) - 27/09/2022
11:30 - 13:00
Botanic Gardens Utrecht University (USP), Budapestlaan 17, Utrecht
To what extent does Utrecht University’s Open Science approach affect the way early career researchers publish? On the 27th of September, the University Library’s Publishing Support in cooperation with Open Science Program and PhD-network PROUT organize a lunch meeting in the Botanic Gardens about this topic. All Phd and postdoc researchers from Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht are cordially invited to join the conversation and ask questions. After a general introduction including an explanation on the financial side in OA publishing, you will have the opportunity to exchange challenges and good practices on topics such as how to publish open access and how to publish data. Free entrance. Click here to register.
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