Open Science Symposium – Faculty of Geosciences

Date and Time
Date(s) - 28/01/2021
13:00 - 17:00
This year, OSCU organises Open Science Symposia for all faculties. Each half day symposium starts off with a key note lecture. Then we aim for an informal and interactive afternoon in which several colleagues share their experience with particular aspects of Open Science (e.g., open access publishing, preregistration) with their peers in brief presentations. If you would like to contribute by sharing your experience with your peers, please email us.
When: January 28th, 2021 (13.00 – 17.00)
Where: Online via Zoom (instructions will follow)
How: The symposium is free, registration is now open. Please register here.
13.00-13:05 Welcome by Jannis Hoch
13.05 – 13.15 Opening by Wilco Hazeleger (Dean)
13.15 – 13.40 Keynote by Maarten Kleinhans (Department of Physical Geography)
“Total Theatre! Starring together: institutions, companies, our students, school teachers (and scientists)”
13.40 – 13.55 Karin Rebel (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development)
“Challenge based sustainability education in a virtual environment”
13.55 – 14.05 break
14.05 – 14.20 Jeroen Bosman (University Library)
“Sharing early outputs in Geosciences”
14.20 – 14.35 Stefan Gaillard and Thomas Jorna (Journal of Trial and Error)
”Error culture and improving public perception of science”
14.35 – 14.50 Martine de Vos (Information and Technology Services)
“Open weather and climate data in the digital era”
14.50 – 14.55 break
14.55 – 15.10 Allix Baxter and Lonneke Roelofs (Young Women of Geosciences)
“Open Science as a pathway for equality, diversity and inclusion”
15.10 – 15.25 Jacques Flores (RDM support) and Vincent Brunst (Geo-ICT)
“Research data Management in the Geosciences”
15.25 Closure, followed by optional online hang-out